Expressing Gratitude
If you clicked on this link because you are just a little bit curious about how we approach risk management, I don’t blame you. Most companies in Arizona today get little to no advice about risk management from their insurance agent. Why would they? If your premium goes up, so does your agent’s commission!
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At PrimeRisk we believe in accountability. In fact, we believe in 360-degree accountability that involves your advisor, your client concierge/risk consultant, your leadership team and your insurance carrier partner. We provide a full suite of business insurance and risk management solutions for Arizona companies plus our CompShield services to help your business grow. By focusing on Total Cost of Risk as opposed to insurance policy premiums, we always deliver the best results for our clients, saving them money they didn’t even realize they were losing before we met.
If you would like to explore how PrimeRisk can help your company do more than purchase an insurance product by going through the motions once a year, give me call, send an email or schedule an appointment using the button below.